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Phone # 414-434-1022 |
CK SATISFACTION GUARANTEEFirst of all, we will be really sad if you are reading this. It means you might not like your new products from us, and that's sort of a downer. But let's get down to brass tacks... At CK, we want you happy. On the other hand, we have to try to stay profitable when possible. Therefore, we hate returns because the implication is that you were not satisfied with something, and that makes us feel sort of blue. Please do us a favor when returning our products and goods, and let us know if and why our products do not meet your exacting specification and/or needs. We love feedback by the way, so please e-mail us or give us a call in order to explain why you are dissatisfied, and CK will do our best to rectify that! If you have any questions about this policy or our web site, please feel free to contact our Administration and Webmasters. |
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